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About the Mandan Progress Organization

Founded in 1993, the Mandan Progress Organization (MPO) has been a cornerstone in Mandan's development, uniting businesses and citizens with a shared goal of fostering community growth. Since adopting its mission in 2021 to strengthen local businesses, through premier events and activities, MPO has significantly enhanced Mandan's cultural and business landscape. The organization collaborates closely with the City of Mandan, Mandan Park District, Mandan Public School District, Morton County, and entities like the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber EDC and the Bismarck-Mandan Convention & Visitors Bureau, ensuring a unified approach to community development.

MPO's recent endeavors include hosting signature community events that have become cornerstones of local culture and attraction. These events not only showcase the vibrant life of Mandan but also serve as a platform for business collaboration and community engagement. The branding initiative through 'Visit Mandan' has been instrumental in promoting Mandan as a destination, attracting visitors and enhancing the city's brand. Adding to its roster of impactful initiatives, the new 'Mandan Holiday Lights on Main' is a testament to MPO’s commitment to creating memorable experiences for residents and visitors alike, illuminating the city's streets with festive cheer and fostering a sense of community during the holiday season.
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Our Values

1. Community Engagement

MPO values active participation and engagement with the local community, fostering a sense of unity and belonging. This involves not just organizing events but also ensuring that these events reflect the spirit and diversity of Mandan.
3. Innovative Excellence

MPO is committed to innovation in event planning and community projects, striving for excellence in every endeavor. This includes continually reimaging and improving events like the 'Mandan Holiday Lights on Main' and initiatives under the 'Visit Mandan' brand.

Board Meeting Dates

January 17

February 21

March 20

April 17

May 15

June 19

July 17

August 21

September 18

October 16

November 20

December 18

Board Meetings will be held on the third Wednesday at Noon at the MPO office, Lunch is provided

2. Collaborative Partnerships

Valuing strong partnerships with local businesses, government entities, and other organizations, MPO believes in working together to achieve common goals. This collaboration extends to stakeholders in the City of Mandan, Mandan Park District, Mandan Public School District, Morton County, and beyond.
4. Sustainable Growth

Ensuring the long-term growth and sustainability of the Mandan area's business and cultural landscape is central to MPO's values. This includes not only economic growth but also the sustainable development of the community in a way that respects and enhances the local environment and heritage.

Membership Meetings

January 25th - Coffee and Donuts with the Board

March 28th

May 23rd

July 25th

*Sept 5th, Annual Dinner

November - TBD- Annual Meeting

Membership meetings time and place TBD

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